Four Fanwood first responders were honored Thursday night, April 16, 2015, at the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Knights of Columbus Shield Awards ceremony. The 40th annual awards presentation took place at the St. Bartholomew the Apostle Church in Scotch Plains.
The Fanwood Police honorees, Sgt. Marc Gottlick and Officer Ryan Gilmore, were presented awards for their actions in delivering a baby girl for Sherry and Joseph Cole in the early morning hours of Oct. 23, 2014, at the Cole’s Fanwood home. There were complications with the birth and Sgt. Gottlick, with the assistance of Off. Gilmore, delivered and stabilized the baby before the Rescue Squad arrived. It was Fanwood’s first baby born in the borough since 1998.
The EMS honoree is Elizabeth Buckridee, recognized for her dedication and service to the Fanwood Rescue Squad. Buckridee has responded to more than 500 calls in her time with the squad. Both her mother, Patti, the squad’s captain, and her sister, Karolyn, also serve on the squad.