Borough Hall
75 North Martine Ave.
Fanwood, NJ 07023

Jesse Moehlman, Borough Administrator
908-322-8236, ext. 142

Courtney Agnello, Borough Clerk
908-322-8236, ext 123

Pat Hoynes, Mayoral Aide
908-322-8236, ext. 121

Patricia Celardo, Chief Financial Officer
908-322-8236, ext. 120

The Fanwood Municipal Clerk is an appointed official whose term is for three years. As a Municipal Official and Municipal Secretary, the Clerk is responsible for the meetings of the Mayor and Council and, as keeper of the Borough Seal, certifies all municipal documents and is the custodian of Borough records. The office administers all the correspondence and official policies, does assessment searches and receives all bids. The Deputy Municipal Clerk is responsible for all duties in the absence of the Municipal Clerk.


The Municipal Clerk is in charge of the administration of the School Board, Primary and General Elections that are held in Fanwood. Voter registrations, verification of registration and voter registration cards can be obtained in the Clerk’s office. There are seven voting districts in the Borough of Fanwood. Below are forms to register to vote, vote by mail and a map locator of our polling places. For more information on Elections, please visit

Voter Registration (English) Voter Registration (Spanish)

OPRA – Requests for Information

Under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA), citizens may request certain public records and information. Use this form to request these records:

Forms and Permit Applications

Below are commonly requested forms and applications:

Landlord Identification Statement
Permit Applications Zoning Construction Health/Vital Records

A complete list of forms and permit applications available for download can be found here.
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